August 29, 2017
- The Eagles “Tequila Sunrise” Desperado (Asylum Records) 1973
- Voyage Band “Strange Situation” Strange Situation – Single (Beet Records) 1986
- Steely Dan “Aja” Aja (ABC) 1977
- Daryl Hall & John Oates “Private Eyes” Private Eyes (RCA Records) 1981
In this episode of Rockin’ the Suburbs, JD Ryznar returns for some more Yacht Rock with Jim and Greg Wilson (who’s filling in for Patrick). Join us on another voyage as we play some Yacht or Nyacht? (TM), a series from JD’s podcast “Beyond Yacht Rock.”
FUN FACT: Daryl Hall & John Oates are often referred to as “Hall & Oates,” despite always putting their first and last names on records that they released. The name “Hall & Oates” was penned by media when referencing them and eventually the public began to do the same.
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