Episode 383: June New Music – Lithics, Flasher, Weaves




July 9, 2018


  • Lithics “Excuse Generator” Mating Surfaces (Abridged Version) (Kill Rock Stars) 2018
  • flasher “Harsh Light” Constant Image (Domino Recording Company) 2018
  • Weaves “Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)” Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) (Buzz Records) 2018


Jim turns his “excuse generator” off and joins Patrick for another awesome week of Rockin’ the Suburbs! They kick things off by taking a look at some new music that came out back in June. Jim has the honors.

FUN FACT:  The lyrics of “Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)” convey mixed messages that could be interpreted as both lively and gloomy. When asked about covering the Arcade Fire track, Weaves lead singer Jasmyn Burke said, in an interview with noisey,

“I think ‘Neighborhood # 3 (Power Out)’ seems more pertinent than ever, so in Weaves fashion we spent a weekend working on it, and then just went into the studio and recorded it pretty freely. I think this song keeps breathing and growing over time and I guess that’s the magic of revisiting ones favourite albums.”

Read the article where that interview came from here: https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/article/wjbed5/weaves-get-weird-on-their-cover-of-arcade-fires-neighborhood-3-powers-out

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One Reply to “Episode 383: June New Music – Lithics, Flasher, Weaves”

  1. Todd

    I heard the the flasher song on your pod and I immediately went to Spotify to check out the whole album . I’m really digging it !!! I would have never heard this band if not for you guys . Thank you so much for a new discovery.

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