Episode 609: Perfect Albums – U2, Ween, Prince, R.E.M., The Stooges




May 28, 2019


  • U2 “Wire” The Unforgettable Fire (Island) 1984
  • Ween “It’s Gonna Be a Long Night” Quebec (Sanctuary Records) 2003
  • Ween “El Camino” GodWeenSatan: The Oneness (Twin/Tones) 1990
  • Prince “Eye No” Lovesexy (Paisley Park Records) 1988
  • R.E.M. “Feeling Gravity’s Pull” Fables of the Reconstruction (I.R.S.) 1985
  • The Stooges “Down on the Street” Fun House (Elektra) 1970
  • R.E.M. “Wendell Gee” Fables of the Reconstruction (I.R.S.) 1985


In the record world, there are some records that are just so perfect that they can be listened to from start to finish. Barret Ries of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has some albums like that he wants to share, from U2, Ween, Prince, R.E.M. and The Stooges. He also tells us about his musical upbringing.

As a patron of the pod, Barret picked the topic for today’s episode. Support our show, and get cool benefits like Barret, by checking out our Patreon page and becoming a patron today! patreon.com/suburbspod

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