Tag: Disintegration
Episode 2072: ’80s Album Madness – Second Round Update
It’s time for another Suburbs Pod Sports Break! Jim and Patrick are joined by analysts Bill Mulligan and Jason Goebel to recap the second-round results in the Sales Quadrant and Critics Quadrant. The tournament continues through April 8.
Episode 2053: 4 Love Songs for Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day to all! We take a break from our regular programming to have Patrick bring you four songs about love (and a special surprise at the end of the episode).
Episode 259: Greatest Hits – The Cure
What’s the most popular episode from our first year? The one where we talked about the Cure’s best songs, featuring Matt Sebastian from the Slicing Up Eyeballs website. Enjoy it again here as we close out First Anniversary Week.
Episode 170: Best Songs: The Cure
Slicing Up Eyeballs, a website dedicated to ’80s college rock, polled readers about the best songs by The Cure. We talk with site editor Matt Sebastian about the results — and weigh in with a few favorites of our own. Bud Verge, Bob Popik and Rob Gates join in the conversation, with Jim & Patrick, of course.